Whats the Worst Outfit Youve ever Seen in a Movie
Channing Tatum recently called the suit he wore in the first G.I. Joe movie the
Devil’s Condom . Although it looked cool, it was obviously uncomfortable. Comfortable or not, some movie outfits are just plain ugly.
Channing Tatum WonderCon 2012 by Gage Skidmore Channing Tatum. Licensed under CC BYSA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons httpcommons.wikimedia.orgwikiFileChanning_Tatum_WonderCon_2012.jpgmediaviewerFileChanning_Tatum_WonderCon_2012.jpg
Is there an outfit that you remember as being particularly ugly? Who wore it? What movie was it from?
258799 - 2023-07-20 01:28:43
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